പ്രളയാനന്തരം #AfterFlood

The crowd sourced data hub for all after flood precautions

A verified crowd sourced data hub for information regarding all the Do's and don'ts, waste management, personal hygiene and every other aspect which needs to be kept in mind while moving back home after the flood

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infographics.afterflood.in Concise, reliable and shareable infographics for health, environmental and social awareness during the time of rehabilitation after a natural disaster. English, Malayalam, Hindi , Tamil, Kannada, Bangla

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Please do not use Sodium polyacrylate for cleaning flood water Read More: https://www.afterflood.in/cleaning/

Health Management

leptospirosisIllness PreventionWater SterilizationDiscarding Food and MedicinesPersonal HygieneEssential medicines to be kept after a floodMajor Health Risks When Working on Water-Damaged Homes?Note for CLEANING VOLUNTEERSMental Health

Waste Management

Food and paper waste managementWhat should be Discarded/Recovered?Waste Management after Natural CalamitiesHow to cremate dead animals and birds after floodwater has receded

Comprehensive Clean-Up Guide

Let us Return Home Safely!How to clean FloorsHow to clean wellsCarpets and furniturePre work inspectionBEFORE WORK BEGINSSITE PREPARATIONCLEAN-OUTGUT TEAR-OUT PROCEDUREPre Construction cleaning and treatmentSELECTIVE TEAR OUT AND PREPARATION BEFORE RESTORATIONRestore PossessionsComprehensive Clean-Up Guide Malayalam

Safety Management

Ensure before moving back inBack to Home KitPreparation for cleaning your housePlease don't use Sodium polyacrylateHow to fix your fridgeHow to dry and test your computer10 Tips for when Your Car Is Submerged In WaterDetailed Explanation on Dealing with SnakesBuilding non-destructive testingEnsure Building Safety


Tips To Claim Insuranceഇൻഷ്വറൻസ് ക്ലെയിം ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുള്ള ടിപ്പുകൾ


Cremating dead animalsHow to prevent diseases after a flood?Remember these, if you have to step into a water-bodyRemember these when you head back home after the flood.How to clean your home after a flood?Ensuring the safety of your home (Video)Sterilizing your well water (Video)Sterilizing drinking water (Video)Five points to keep in mind when circulating messages (Video)

General Note

Ensure building safety

  • Make sure the building is structurally safe.

  • Look for buckled walls or floors.

  • Watch for holes in the floor, broken glass and other potentially dangerous debris.

Travel with care.

  • Follow recommended routes. DO NOT sightsee.

  • Watch for washed out roads, earth slides, and downed trees or power lines.

  • Stay away from downed power lines.

Contribute to www.afterflood.in

  1. Create a new file with .md extension.

  2. Update the path to file in README.md (The front page) & SUMMARY.md (for ordering in sidebar)

  3. Use Markdown language for updating the script.

  4. Make a PR for merge.

Or email us at afterflood.in@gmail.com


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